Arirang TV Interviews Tim to explore HHK’s projects that meet urgent human rights needs of North Korean children & refugees

As part of its Children’s Day coverage, Arirang TV invited Helping Hands Korea’s (HHK) director Tim Peters in for a KOREA TODAY  interview on the plight of North Korean children on both sides of DPRK’s borders and a glimpse of various projects and initiatives HHK has developed and is actively engaged in to meet those urgent needs.                To introduce the program, Arirang sent out the following: “To mark Children’s Day in Korea, we invite Christian Activist and Founder of NGO Helping Hands Korea, Tim Peters, to discuss his insights regarding children’s human rights in North Korea and personal stories of North Korean children struggling with their lives in China. 어린이날을 맞아, 북한의 어린이날에 대한 얘기와 북한 어린이들과 탈북 어린이들의 인권문제에 대해 이야기 나눠본다.” Arirang TV informed HHK that this English language broadcast will not only reach viewers in South Korea, but in 190 nations worldwide through various public broadcasting services; in the US via DIRECT TV.  Tim’s interview segment of the KOREA TODAY broadcast can be seen on NAVER TVcast here: (The full hour-long Children’s Day(5/5/14) broadcast of KOREA TODAY will be available soon from its video archives shown here: